Local Group | Martock, Somerset
Singing Bell Sangha
The Singing Bell Sangha roots itself in the Plum Village Tradition, taught by Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay) and his disciples. We use Thay’s words, freely shared with us through his many books and teachings and these words support us to grow in love, compassion, understanding and awareness.
The Singing Bell Sangha is affiliated with Plum Village UK and as such some of the meditation sittings listed below are facilitated by Plum Village UK Lay Dharma teachers. Links to the practices provided by Plum Village UK can be found here: https://plumvillage.uk/
Offered via Facebook Live, the “From The Heart” sessions are a time where Andy shares a brief reading from Thay’s books, starting and closing with a brief meditation. From the Heart can be accessed from this page. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/558068675090521
Our Wednesday night Sangha Sitting is provided via Zoom. We sit and share some of Thay’s teachings, such as working through a book together. We then meditate on what we have heard and enjoy a time of dharma sharing at the end. The link for these sessions is posted on the Singing Bowl Sangha page, usually the day before the sitting.
Attending these practices does not tie you into anything, there are no conditions, expectations, obligations, or requirements and, best of all, there’s no fee! They are simply offered to support us all to progress in our path.