UK Sangha Registration
Find out moreA local community of mindfulness practitioners who gather to meditate, to share their joys and difficulties, and to encourage each other on the path of practice, is traditionally called a sangha
In addition to being part of a local community, we also recognise the wisdom and need of being in safe spaces for affinity communities, such as our Colours of Compassion Sangha for those who identify as people of colour. These sanghas have become increasingly more accessible as most of these groups meet online.
At the moment we have practice spaces for People of Colour / Black Asian Minority Ethnic / BPoC/ Mixed Racial Heritages – Colours of Compassion Sangha, for those who self-identify as LGBTQIA+ – Rainbow Sangha UK, sangha members who have been socialised as/identify as ‘white’ – White Awareness Sangha, inter-generational, with special programme for children and teens Family Sangha and a community of young adult practitioners (under 35s) Wake Up.
As our groups are volunteer-run, there will be a variety of styles and formats. Although they all have Plum Village practice at their heart, but each will have their own flavour.
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