Local Group | Chester

Boundless Heart Sangha

Hands making heart shape

“So with a boundless heart one should cherish all living beings, suffusing the whole world with unobstructed loving-kindness” D. Cupitt 1988

To us mindfulness means ‘keeping the conscious alive to the present reality’. We practise mindfulness in order to come back to what is happening in the present moment in our daily lives. Mindfulness allows us to slow our lives down; touch the healing elements that touch the boundless heart inside us and around us, and to nourish the seeds of joy, peace, compassion, and understanding in ourselves and others.  Mindfulness supports us to live freely and to face everyday challenges with more balance and poise.

The Boundless Heart Sangha meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month starting at 7.00pm and led by Sangha members.  We generally begin with a period of sitting meditation, sometimes silent and sometimes guided.  If you use a meditation cushion or stool, please bring this with you.  You may also want to bring a shawl or blanket.

Sitting practice is followed by a period of silent walking meditation; a core element of the practice in this tradition. This is either inside or outside depending on the weather.

Another shorter period of silent sitting follows and we share a reading from one of Thay’s books, or other spiritual writers. At this point we often read the five mindfulness trainings aloud, together.

We end with a period of ‘Dharma sharing’ where we share from the heart, and practise deep listening.

We usually finish with refreshments and conclude our meeting by 9.00pm.

Sangha is rooted in the teachings of the Buddha and we welcome people from any, or no, faith background. Whatever our beliefs we come together in the spirit of compassion and a desire to live fully and completely in every moment of our lives.

We would love you to join us in our meditation practice.

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