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Dharma Training Programme 2023 – The Insight that Brings Us to the Other Shore (Heart Sutra)

Join this retreat to explore the wisdom of the The Insight that Brings Us to the Other Shore (Heart Sutra)

key info

26 May 2023 - 28 May 2023

Photo by Cristian Palmer on Unsplash

About the retreat

The retreat will be facilitated by UK Dharma teacher Jane Coatesworth .

The Insight That Brings Us to the Other Shore (Heart Sutra) is recited and chanted regularly in Buddhist monasteries around the world. This sutra is held in high respect, but the words can seem perplexing and obscure. On this retreat we will look together at some aspects of the sutra, at what it may be saying, and at how it is relevant to our daily lives.


Practical Information

This retreat will be held over a long weekend, from May 26-28. You can attend in person or on-line via Zoom.

Residential Retreat

We ask everyone coming on residential Dharma Training retreats to be a member of the Community of Interbeing (you can join here : Join Us ).

This retreat will be held in the Yorkshire Dales at :

Briery Retreat Centre
38 Victoria Ave,
LS29 9BW

The Insight That Brings Us to the Other Shore (Heart Sutra) is recited and chanted regularly in Buddhist monasteries around the world. This sutra is held in high respect, but the words can seem perplexing and obscure. On this retreat we will look together at some aspects of the sutra, at what it may be saying, and at how it is relevant to our daily lives.

The retreat is suitable for those with an established understanding of mindfulness and a regular meditation practice. The retreat will include:-

  • Opportunities to practice guided and silent sitting meditations, walking meditation, mindful eating and noble silence;
  • Opportunities to learn from others through dharma sharing and exploration;
  • Dharma teaching from a UK Dharma Teacher.

We encourage retreatants to have a look at the sutra, The Insight That Brings Us to the Other Shore, in preparation for the retreat. The text of the sutra can be found here .

Participants of this residential event must comply with any Covid-19 guidelines at the event venue and further details of the Covid-19 requirements will be sent to ticket-holders one week before the start of the event.

The retreat on Zoom

There is the option of attending the retreat online via Zoom . Those attending on Zoom will be able to join meditation sessions, Dharma talks, dharma sharing and other activities. You can fully participate in the programme, including supper on the first evening and lunch on Saturday and Sunday. It can be a wonderful opportunity.

We invite you to create a retreat atmosphere at home – planned meals, a quiet corner for meditation, some time away from being online. We are aware that some retreatants will have family around them and we fully support your need to take care of responsibilities. We suggest sharing a copy of the programme with your family so that they can support you for the sittings, the talks and the dharma sharing.

To book the online retreat, scroll down to the end of the “Tickets” list, and choose ‘Donation’ ticket – suggested donation £100. When prompted, please enter the email address which you use for Zoom.



How to attend

Tickets available now

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