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White Awareness Sangha Meeting

An open and compassionate space for ‘white-bodied’ sangha practitioners to engage the practice of mindfulness to transform racism in ourselves and in the world.

key info

13 Nov 2022 - 13 Nov 2022

Please join us on Sunday, 13th November 6 pm to 7.30 pm

We invite sangha friends living in ‘white bodies’ to look deeply into the roots of racism, and learn to transform the legacies of oppression and injustice that marginalise ‘bodies of culture’ within our communities, within the UK, and globally.

Our white awareness sangha meets following the Call to Love in Action shared by ARISE Plum Village Sangha.

Dharma teacher Ruth King writes about the benefit of racial affinity groups here.

We have all been deeply hurt by the way our past and present society has categorised, separated, and limited us based on the illusion of  ‘race’. 

As we support one another to experience our own relationship to this and deepen our understanding through compassionate listening and loving speech, we begin to embrace and transform the ancestral suffering within us and around us, and take steps on the path to inclusive sanghas where all people can find a home.

Supported by the Sangha Body

My practice flows easier,

Allowing me to swiftly realize

My great determination to love and understand all beings.

If you have any questions please contact: whiteawaresanghauk@gmail.com

How to attend

White Awareness Sangha meetings are usually scheduled bi-monthly on Zoom.

Please register to come along.

