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White Awareness Sangha Meeting

An open and compassionate space for ‘white-bodied’ sangha practitioners to engage the practice of mindfulness to transform racism in ourselves and in the world.

key info

12 Mar 2023 - 12 Mar 2023

White Awareness Sangha meets from 6 pm to 7.30 pm

We invite sangha friends living in ‘white bodies’ to look deeply into the roots of racism, and learn to transform the legacies of oppression and injustice that marginalise ‘bodies of culture’ within our communities, within the UK, and globally. It will include time for sitting meditation, a reflective reading/talk, and a time for sharing.

Read more here

How to attend

Register Via Zoom Here (N.B if you have already registered for the bimonthly sangha there is no need to again)

If you have any questions please contact: whiteawaresanghauk@gmail.com
