Wednesday, 24th May
We have an exciting time coming up in May with a visit by eight monastics from Plum Village in France.
There will be three main events during the day.
All details will be posted on the Wild Geese Sangha website.
Tree dedication and Mindful Walk from 12:30pm on the Meadows
WakeUp event for younger sangha members at Edinburgh University TBC
Public talk Mindful Communities: Building a Future Together. The Power of Compassion and Mindful Communication
Experience the deep roots of Mindfulness through interacting with a group from Thich Nhat Hanh’s monastic community. Learn how to act and communicate from a place of more compassion, peace and freedom, in our daily lives. Cultivating and sustaining nourishing relationships, we build resilience for ourselves and for the Earth.
This will be a ticketed public talk from 7-9pm at St Marks Unitarian church on Castle Terrace. Tickets available shortly.
How to attend
Please go to Wild Geese Sangha website for more information and details about the events.