Engaged Practice for Peace
Sit & Share
Tuesdays 13th & 27th September
11th & 25th October
8th & 22nd November
7 pm – 8 pm
Many people are deeply affected by the war in Ukraine, and conflicts around the world are causing great suffering. How can we support those who are in distress?
“Let us offer the world the best flowers and fruit of our practice, lucidity, solidity, brotherhood, sisterhood, understanding and compassion. Let us give rise to the determination to look deeply into the nature of fear, anger, hatred, and violence and to give rise to the eyes of compassion”. Thich Nhat Hanh
Please join us for a guided meditation, a reading and the precious opportunity to connect with the wider Sangha, to listen deeply to each other, to look deeply, and to collectively nourish our mindfulness.
Join via https://bit.ly/beingtogetheronline.
How to attend
This event will be held on Zoom. Please ensure you have the Zoom software downloaded on your device. We welcome you to turn your cameras on if possible when you join us.