Monday, 8th May, 10am – 4:30pm
The day will be a mixture of walking and sitting meditation, eating together, sharing and deep relaxation. These simple practices, in the tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, have been found to be an invaluable aid to happiness by millions of people across the world.
Directions: Coming in from the Moretonhampstead – Whiddon Down road (B3206 at top right of map), drive up to the Square and turn left. After 75 yards, take the left turn and turn right into the Car Park. The hall is just beside the Car Park, overlooking the church.
Donations: The suggested donation for this event is £20. In the Buddhist tradition Dana or donations are a way of showing gratitude for the teachings offered freely. We are fundraising both for Plum Village (read here about their construction fund and the Being Peace centre in the UK ( We heartily encourage you to consider what you can afford (without depriving yourself and your family or dependents) as an additional donation at this event.
What to Bring: Chairs will be provided. However you may find it helpful to bring your own meditation cushion or stool and mat. Please also bring a packed “picnic” lunch for our mindful eating practice. Tea and hot drinks will be provided.
What to Wear: We suggest you dress casually and comfortably. You may find it helpful to wear several layers, so that you can remove/add a layer to maintain a comfortable body temperature while meditating.
Arrival Time: Please arrive in good time to settle, and do everything you need to before being in place a few minutes before the start time of 10am. The hall will be open from 9.30am.