Photo by Emily Campbell
Ceremony to Remember the Deceased
In memory of Sister Trang Chanh Niem (Sister Kris)
Thank you for your intention to join us for a Ceremony to Remember the Deceased in memory of Sister Kris, to be held on Saturday the 11th of March 2023, from 09:00 to 10:30 London time.
We would appreciate it if you could be online and ready for the morning at 08:50 am so that our communications team can help with any connection problems. The morning will include a Ceremony to Remember the Deceased; composed by Sister Annabel and introduced during an Order retreat in the UK in 2012. We offer the ceremony as a space for healing, reconciliation and togetherness for our sangha in difficult times.
We invite you, as preparation, to create a ‘shrine table’ or to create a beautiful space in your home, with perhaps a candle, a flower, some incense etc. and to choose an object to represent our Sister. You might also like to write a letter and place it in the space you have prepared, allowing space in front for your sitting meditation. The practice of Touching the Earth is included in the ceremony and you will find a video of various ways in which to do this here.
When the ceremony is ended it is recommended that you offer your letter to a flame; either a candle or your stove or fire, being careful of course if choosing to use a candle, that this will not trigger your fire alarm.
With a bow of gratitude,
The Multifold Sangha of Plum Village
How to attend
Please join us live online via this link: