Photo of Kev Place
About the Retreat
If we stop being joyful and stop singing, we are caught in a kind of prison — Thich Nhat Hanh
When we are very small children we sing and chant freely, even spontaneously creating our own songs as soon as we discover that we can use our voices in such a satisfying way.
As we grow, that wonderful freedom and creativity is so often suppressed. Children meet discouragement, by parents, teachers and others, asking them to, for example, “keep the noise down”, criticising the childish language used, offering comparisons as to whether they have ‘good’ voices or not etc.
There are so many ways in which that natural need for song is often, by the time children are in school, forgotten.
In this retreat we will be rediscovering our voices – we all have a voice, and it is extremely rare to be ‘tone deaf’ which some feel that they are, simply because they find it difficult to hold a tune.
By singing simple songs and chants together in large and small groups you will find only support and encouragement from those around you, and opportunities for fun with no formal ‘voice work’.
Singing sessions will be interwoven with mindfulness meditation practices and each day with begin and end with formal sitting as a group.
Led by Teri West and Kev Place
Teri is a fabulous and supportive teacher who shares her wisdom with humour, gentleness and enthusiasm. I would recommend anyone having the opportunity to be taught by Teri to take it eagerly.
— A previous retreat participant
All accommodation is in comfortable en-suite single rooms at Purley Chase retreat centre, set in the beautiful North Warwickshire countryside.
Previous Retreat video:
Supporting Our Community
The leaders of this retreat are giving their time and skills freely – retreat fees will cover venue hire, and leaders’ accommodation and travel expenses.
If you would like to make a donation to our initiative to establish a practice centre in the UK There will be an opportunity to offer donations towards Plum Village UK or the Being Peace Practice Centre.