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Being Peace: Peace within, Peace with people, and peace with nature

Being Peace Project Sangha evening with Satish Kumar

key info

8 Sep 2024 - 8 Sep 2024


Satish Kumar will give a talk in support of a Plum Village Practice Centre in the UK.

Satish Kumar

Our speaker for the morning will be our dear friend, Satish Kumar. Once a Jain monk in India, Satish left the monastery while still a young man, and set off on a walk, from continent to continent, taking a message of peace, along with gifts of Indian tea, to world leaders.

Satish went on to become editor of Resurgence magazine, President of the Schumacher Society dedicated to promoting the ideas of Fritz Schumacher, and eventually to found Schumacher College. Satish travels the world, speaking about the relationship between ecology and spirituality.


The Being Peace Sangha evenings are aimed at forming a support sangha who will play a part in the management of the Centre, locally or remotely, once it is established. This is your opportunity to enjoy some time for practice, to meet members of the Steering Group and engage with others in small sharing groups.

How to attend

This event is held on zoom. You can sign up for the Being Peace Practice Sangha through the signup form below.
